Students for Future Mobility

What if there was something better? Have we reached the pinnacle of mobility innovation? Is there something better possible? Yes! Let us work with Cities and students to study and design new mobility solutions based on modern technologies. The Students For Future Mobility is a program by Envisionride since 2022 and is based on the earlier concept Urban Design Contest until the end of 2020 due to the Covid pandemic.

Student? Get a team together and do a real study!

The Students For Future Mobility is a global program by EnvisionRide to promote substantial innovation in public transportation and related issues. The program is supported by a series of agencies and institutions in Europe and USA. Any University Student team and City with interest in making a contribution towards better mobility in any location is welcome to participate. Details on the program and participation is here – Students for Future Mobility Guidelines

I want to participate

Presentation opportunities for Students for Future Mobility

What if we could find a way of transportation that actually is sustainable and does make good use of resources and doesn't just sound good.

The Student for Future Mobility are always given presentation time at various conferences and meetings. The next opportunity will be at the Podcar City Conference planned to be held in California end of November 2023. Students are invited to showcase their studies, either at the conference in person or through virtual presentations.

How to Participate

News and suggested reading

We are constantly reviewing events in the world and recommend you see for yourself what is going on regarding environmental issues, democracy, and not least, ideas in urban development and mobility. This page updates about once a month and is also featured in our newsletter.